The Bossa Nova

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Open air meetings!

For the last couple of weeks we have had our Salamanca Sunday school in the park around the corner. We had been meeting in local nursery schools since they began last July. We thought it would be a good attracter for kids ready to play outside in the summer. We sing the same songs but we play games and have mainly been doing object lessons with a verse to memorize. The oldest class because they normally just had 3 come have been helping the younger classes as there are no “boundaries.” The games range from duck, duck, goose ( pato, pato, ganzo) to a giant dice game where you roll a 6 or 1 to run to the middle and eat chocolate and drink Sprite. This last we did team. Haydee’ continue to teach us new songs that the kids really enjoy. Although the park is surrounded by a heavily Catholic neighborhood we have had onlookers but no complaints, thanks to a gracious God. We appreciate your prayers in a permanent location as we move into the fall and winter here. Also pray for safety for the kids and that more will come and hear the Gospel and be able to apply what they learn in their homes and at school.