The Bossa Nova

Friday, January 26, 2007

Catching up...

I've been inspired to write in my blog because my roommates a encouraging me to get a My Space account (when I can barely keep my blog updated) and because I was reading another missionary's blog- their animal killing escapade reminded me of what I saw, New Years Eve, coming back from chruch- don't know if I wrote about it but I still ride past the area where they were killing young pigs and turkeys and see the feathers covering the ground and mounds of ash from burnt leftovers, I suppose- it was a very sad sight and sounds- seeing little pigs dragged, squealing and blood and feathers everywhere that sunny Sunday afternoon. Since then things have been more "normal" No huge celebrations ( though the birthday parties never seem to end) So I haven't taken many photos... We have been having Vacation Bible Schools here with a break (back to regular schedule this week) and our last one this year in Santa Anita starting Monday! I'm learning new kids songs to add to my reportoire (I don't know how to spell in French)They are fun but lots of preparation required. We're studying Pedro. I got a chance to show pics of my ESOL kids in the States and ask which of the kids from Amauta would like to tell other kids from other places about the good news of Christ. A taste of my vision for being here! Praise God! The kids in Amauta were sweet ~for the most part. It reminded me how fun getting to know kids is. Pray for Alexander; he did not want to participate at all in the craft the first day but got into it the other days and Thursday I had a little chance to practice discipline with him, he didn't come back Friday but hopefully a seed was planted and he'll come to the sunday school they have each Sunday. Pray for men to get involved there too. This coming month looks very full with additional classes of English before the kids go back to school and the Rosses arriving on the field- very good things- pray God would show me when to rest! Maybe I'll have sometime to eventually give some 6 month impressions...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Year In(d) YEar OUT 2

I realized I didn't really write about New Years- it's because we didn't do much! There were opportunities to stay up late or all night but we opted to rest instead- we stayed up til 12- Laura almost didn't make it- we took our drinks and grapes up to the roof to see all the fireworks- about as many as Christmas Eve. Apparently they eat a big meal too at midnight like thhey do for Cristmas eve so we saw lots of live piglets and turkeys about to be killed or being killed along the side of the Central Highway here on the way back from church. It's really relaxing for me to go up there though our feet were super dusty and dirty when we climbed down the ladder. Earlier that evening we went to the store- it was packed out- everyone getting their supplies to go to the beach or their champagne, I had wondered what the grapes were about and found out it is a tradition here to eat 12 grapes at midnight to get a wish granted each month, also to wear yellow undergarments ( yes mom they only save them for that day), also they burn old clothes in the form of a scarecrow to get rid of the old! One other curious thing is the women who take an empty suitcase and run around the block if they want to travel that year!???