Year (In)d, Year Out!

Hi everyone! Wanted to catch you up on life here- Christmas was fun- it seemed hard a couple weeks out but the Lord always proves faithful- do I doubt that!- He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow!
We celebrated a little Peruvian, a little North American style! Sunday lunch we had with out team leaders and family- salmon- yum- at 4 and we exchanged gifts- towels just in time for summer beach trips! Yeah! Home in time to take a nap and do another layer of Crenshaw family jello! WE headed over to Raquel, Paulo and Carlos' house at 9 with our desserts in hand. Some Peruvians visit friends on this night so their grandmother had a friend over. The typical PEruvuian Christmas eve dinner is turkey but out neighhbor family decided to do non traditional- grill out - hot dog sausage and steak, salad and papa hauincaina (sp?) yum! But first we had to do a few errands... drinks and fireworks of course! We went to the market to find people who were selling fireworks- legal- sparklers and OTHERS! Interesting, everyone was strolling the streets like us. It was fun- fireworks were beginning to be set off and