The Bossa Nova

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mi trabajo cont'd

I'm not sure how many entries I'll have with this title but thought I should update you! I got my job description (don't know the spanish translation for that) this week. It's crazy how excited I was to have someting in writing with hours and everything! It helps me realize how task-oriented I am! That day(maybe it continued to the next) was actually a great balance. That night we began a sonship study that brought back to my mind important points of my saving faith. The next morning we were able to flesh out those ideas and how they apply to our lives here. So before I was able to jump into a little more brainstorming more specific to what I will be doing I was able to reorient my thinking. Lori said some great things about us loving our work and that the hours hopefully will flow out of that- great perspective- that is what I want but I was almost tempted to treat it with the same attitude as my first job. (not always pleasant) So the specific things I'll be doing for now are women's ministry at Santa Anita- and any diaconal ministry that comes from that, disciple children Wednesday nights, help develop a jovenes ministry, teach English to kids in the Cristo Salvador project and some adults in Salamanca, volunteer at a feeding program in my neighborhood, and continue helping at the children's sunday school and of course keep up with you guys! Sounds like a full week huh! I'm excited to get things going! Please pray that God would continue to give me the love I need to pour out on these folks, to help remember names, give me good ideas and clear teaching, and would continue to improve my Spanish as a read and speak it! Thanks so much you guys!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


It's not Spanish in case you were tricked! It's a city in Illinois where the conference ISN'T this year- It's in St. Louis, MO this year! December 27-31 2006 A super big, super cool missions conference for those 18 and up! Please check out the website It's a big reason I'm so excited about missions! I met some really great people had awesome conversations and learned a whole lot of great stuff. I've told many people what one girl described it as- seeing the work of God's kindgdom in a microscope! He is working all over, in every walk of life! They have topics on just about everything, whether you're interested in missions (yet!) or not! There are scholarships but it is well worth what it costs! So I'm encouraging everyone I know to check out the website if nothing else! I'll be checking in on what's going down via Internet but want everyone I know to know about it and go if you have any chance to!

Friday, September 01, 2006


I had the chance yesterday and today to visit the US Embassy. I was doing an errand for the Ross girls. You might ask why I was there two days!? Yesterday I headed over there at 1:30- entered the security- you are not allowed to have cell phones in the Embassy so I checked mine. Then I walked along this long sidewalk to the Consulate building. There was a nice yard of grass that didn't seem to serve much purpose besides beign a barrier and the door to the Consulate was huge and heavy. I entered through another security checkpoint and was told that the notary is only available in the morning. But since I was there I thought I'd take the opportunity to meet a contact one of my supporters knew in the Embassy- a former missionary! I only had his name so I went to the receptionist- behind the glass( like a driver through bank teller is) and waited in this huge hall that was decorated with pictures of art that students from Texas had done. Next to the receptionist was another office where a Marine or some uniformed officer was keeping watch. The ceiling and high walls had blue square panels with stars at the joints! Yhe phone rang and they called me to answer- I seemed to have forgotten names, the connection and my English ( I think I'm accustomed to getting myself ready to talk on the phone and know what I'm going to say in Spanish that I tense up whenever using the phone now) Anyway, I fumbled through what I wanted to say and he finally made the connection as well and he came out to meet me. We were only able to talk in the lobby because of the high security. He was a very nice guy and he shared where he was attending church and about his family. I told him about our team and work. It was a very nice visit! Glad to know there are more Christians in our government especially working with the Peruvians. He is in charge of deciding tourist visas. He explained it a little to me. And he also told me about a friend he was discipling in the office. He is interested in equipping Peruvians to be missionaries which is right along my vision and got me excited. Today I went back and got the notary copies. For a second, I thought, the North American system is not supposed to be like this- not open after lunch and waiting forever in a waiting room- that's Peruvian "time" then I heard someone say "the American government" and I remembered that yes, in government offices it is like this- I realized no complaining!- I would get back to my appointment late. I prayed for the lady who was working at the window who has to deal with disgruntled North Americans in Peru! (There was a customer asking for a name or number of the girl to be able to report who she talked to...) When I came out to the main lobby I saw all the Peruvians lined up for their visa appointments-probably many who would see Chris. Outside the walls they had finished polishing some of the copper letters of the United States yesterday but the workers had not come to finish yet today! Very interesting! I also got in contact with the Young Life (Algo Nuevo in el Peru) and the BSF lady this week to find out when they meet so I can go visit sometime. Both very nice people with whom were a delight to talk. I am building my web of contacts here and hope to go to the National Library soon to check out resources for the tutoring and English teaching.